Sunday, January 8, 2012


"Some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat."
Watching: The Big Waste
"C" is for Cookie that's good enough for me,
"C" is for cookie that's good enough for me,
"C" is for cookie that's good enough for me,
Oh! cookie, cookie, cookie starts with "C"!

Hey, You know what? A round cookie with one bite out of it looks like a "C"
A round donut with one bite out of it also looks like a "C" but it is not as good as a cookie
Oh, and the moon sometimes looks like a "C" but you can't eat that
"For my part, I mind my belly very studiously, and very carefully;"
In case you didn't know, C is no longer just for cookie because, well, that just wouldn't be healthy!

So today is all about food since I just got back from the grocery store about an hour ago. I don't know how you shop, but I personally like to go with a game plan of meals for the whole week. I have been focusing on eating new recipes so ensure I am exposing myself to a variety of different foods. This weeks recipes were brought to you by Recipage, a free collection of food blogger's recipes that you can search and filter through to find something new! Not only that, you can also have the recipes sent directly to your Facebook, twitter, or phone! So I didn't even have to make a list. If you enjoy it give a shout out to them @Recipage or on the creator's own food blog, The Daily Garnish.

On a different note,  it may surprise some of you to know that while I strive NOT to count calories due to a former eating disorder; I am a big proponent of portion control, food groups, and vitamin intake along with health benefits. So I was kind of thrilled when I was playing on Pinterest, and found this plate portion-er, that organizes your plate to have the proper amount of each food group on your plate. Which in turn led me to this awesome website called Super Tracker. Super tracker is an awesome tool to look at how you are using your food! You can input your daily food intake to see if you are eating enough of each food group, how many empty calories your are eating, and any other goals such as me who checks to make sure I am getting my daily iron. You can also track fitness and weight loss goals as well.

After years of physically and mentally battling with anorexia and then combating it with over eating, one of my favorite quotes has become: "Eat to live, not live to eat."
" for I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly will hardly mind anything else."  ~Samuel Johnson

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