Sunday, September 18, 2011

Salutorious Sententious

"Keep your words soft and tender,"

Reading: Still working on both books. Yes I know I was supposed to be finished.
Watching: Cyberbully (Interesting... still digesting)
Listening:"I Will Waste My Life" by Misty Edwards
I am in love with You There is no cost
I am in love with You There is no loss
I am in love with You I want to take Your name
I am in love with You I want to cling to You Jesus
Just let me cling to You Jesus 
I have always been one who could easily articulate a sentence with a wide range of vocabulary to express thoughts and ideas. However, their are moments where I am thankful I don't have to say everything I am thinking out loud to get a point across, because you would never get a coherent sentence out of me.
Part of this stems from the fact that when I was younger, I was afraid anything I said or thought was fuel to the burning fire of words that assaulted me on a daily basis. It's been years since I heard those nasty words spoken about me, but I tell you the truth I still have nightmares about those people.

One of the things God has been speaking to me about this week is how vicious our tongues can be.
"The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." ~James 3:6
I spent my whole life running from the words that stung, ducking my head down to narrowly miss the impact. But how often do I kill people with my words? Sure I may not purposely say hurtful things to their faces, or post lies about them on the internet. But how often do I talk about somebody else who has upset me during the day, or join in when people are talking about the latest gossip, or just add kindling to a fire someone else started. 
Further in James the Bible talks about how with the sane mouths we profess to love Jesus we kill our brothers and that can't be. Every time I open my mouth, I represent Christ. But do my words actually reflect Him?
So this week I have strived to let God be the master of my tongue and not my tongue the master of me.
Because I would rather people see him in my reflection than the ugly version of my fleshy me.
"...because tomorrow you may have to eat them." ~Author Unkown

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