Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anxiety mixed with Appreciation

"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today."
Reading: Honestly I haven't had the time...
Watching: Iron Chef
Listening:"Always Faithful" by Corey Asbury
Faithful, You're always faithful
True, You're always true
You'll never leave me, You're always with me
You're good, Youre good

This song has stuck with me as I continue to receive updates, hear news stories, and see so many people loving on these dear friends of mine. Because God is so good to us, and Caleb is doing so well! And we know that it's purely God working through man.
Part of me is afraid every time I walk down a street but then I remember that peace I can trade it in for and I do!
Because I look at all the odds were against Caleb... and I look at all the victories... and I stand in awe.
God has definitely grown me and is growing me in this situation , because I know the old me would constantly rely on fear. But instead I just feel so grateful. It's that peace I've found in turning myself over completely. He is God,He is so good, He is so ginormous. And all I can say is in this moment I am overwhelmed and short on words.
"Have you used one to say 'thank you?' "  ~William A. Ward

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