Friday, July 5, 2013


Everyday that goes by gets a little harder to keep up with...
So here goes day four...
Today my letter was to the person who has influenced me the most. My Mama Leah had already been on my mind so she was the obvious choice. It's hard to believe it's been almost a year since she left this world. I still miss her all the time.
My favorite color has been and forever will be... Pink! Since I was five years old, its always been my first choice. I got extremely irritated when pink was the it color for a few years.
I love this deep hue of it.
Since we are already on the topic of my Mama Leah today I will say that this song makes me so sad. I know that it speaks the truth but I wish we still had her with us!

"Better Hands Now" by Natalie Grant
Again I haven't dreamed a lot of dreams lately. I know my coworker would say that my close encounter with James Franco at some award show was my most exciting dream. Christina Ricci was also there.
James Franco Picture
I personally find him rather creepy.

I don't know why but ever since I've started Whole30 I haven't had much of an appetite. Yesterday I had a smoothie with banana, strawberries, raspberries, and spinach! And then my mum wasn't feeling well so I was on my own for dinner. Which meant I had some applesauce (I forgot how yummy this was!) and some crab meat which was mediocre.
My pissed off face is all in the eyes...
And the ab challenge is getting harder everyday!

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