Saturday, July 6, 2013


Whew! Today I did my Bible reading, read my prayer book, got dressed, took my mom's temperature, packed her lunch, took her to work, did my ab challenge, did thirty minutes of walking/running on the treadmill for week one, day three of the 5k program, showered, posted a note on facebook about my stroke, packed my lunch, discussed plans for tomorrow, and dropped something off to my mom all before going to work. Needless to say it's been a long and busy day!!! Not to mention it was "Stroke" day.
Oh yeah speaking of the prayer book... I keep forgetting to mention I also added a book called "Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days" by Kay Arthur.
 Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days, Expanded Edition   -     
        By: Kay Arthur
Today's letter has to go out to my girl Taylor. She is my guilty pleasure music and she desperately needs some relationship advice. Girl goes through boyfriends rather swiftly.
Photo was supposed to be of someone I love! And I really love my Mama!!!
When I was a child, I loved swings. That is why I have a fondness for photos of swings...
This song makes me think of a former coworker. I wish that it didn't. I wish that I could still love this song.

"When Did You Fall?" by Chris Rice
I don't have a "him". So I don't have a dream with "him" in it.
I'm still having this not very hungry feeling. Not sure why... But bananas and applesauce are my favorite foods right now. And I had some Sweet Italian Sausage for dinner. I can't wait til mom has her appetite back. I am so hoping to have some real food for you soon and maybe even a recipe!
And what's the fun of a silly face with out a little face mask?!
This morning I decided to do the ab challenge as a warm-up for my run. There was a yoga mat at the gym this morning so I decided to give it a try. This was the first morning I had to take a break in the middle of my leg raises. Man those suckers hurt! And then I got up and started my last run of week one. It was raining and I didn't do so hot the last time I tried running in the break of rain. So I decided to continue at the gym on the treadmill. The run felt pretty good. I was able to reserve my energy having to adjust my pace for the walk/run intervals. I had to fight with the treadmill for a while to get it to do what I wanted to do, but I felt great when I was done. That is until I went to look at my distance/pace and realized my phone didn't record the run. But I think it was a lesson in enjoying the fun of a good run.

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